Simunza S. Muyangana is Director at Digital ICE Interactive Media Ltd and founder of
BongoHive in Lusaka, Zambia. He is specialised in website development, new media technologies, and web 2.0 and social media training.
On 24-26 March, 2014 a 3-day write-shop took place at
CTA in Wageningen in the Netherlands. The purpose of the event was to update the curriculum which is used by CTA and partner organisations to run "
Web 2.0 and Social Media Learning Opportunities" in ACP countries. The participants in the write-shop agreed on the need to identify and document success stories resulting from the adoption of Web 20 and Social Media solutions.
In this short video he briefly recalls three success stories. Let's hear his story ...
To know more about Web 2.0 and Social Media Learning Opportunities visit our site