Sunday, December 29, 2019

World Summit on the Information Society - Prizes 2020: the voting phase comes to an end on January 24, 2020

World Summit on the Information Society - Prizes 2020: the voting phase ends on January 24, 2020. Vote Now!

The project: "Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground: Transforming Africa's Agriculture " has been nominated for voting under the category AL C7. E-agriculture.

A total of 20 projects have been nominated in this category. The first five most voted will be selected for further evaluation. In order to vote, you need to be registered on the WSIS Stocktaking Platform. You can express one vote per category and vote for one or more categories. The site hosting the voting platform is not as straight forward as it should be, and it is quite difficult to navigate. 

Follow these steps (recommended):

  1. Register
  2. Login as a registered user
  3. Follow this link: which will lead you straight to the category AL C7. E-agriculture.

The project "Eyes in the Sky, Smart Techs on the Ground" is listed under this category 

Click on  ... more>> and read the retailed description of the project and its achievements. 

Express your preference and vote. We rely on you good judgement.